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Click on the title for each of these webpages:
​The First Creation Account (page with summaries of essays):​​​
The names of God in the Bible
Modern science and allegory in the early stories of Genesis
The First Creation account is allegorical prose based on the number seven
Mythology and the first creation account
Science and the existence and omnipotence of God
The Garden of Eden story (page with summaries of essays):
When did Adam and Eve live?
Are there one or two creation accounts?
The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Bad and the serpent
Reaching for divinity in the Garden of Eden
Monogamy and the Garden of Eden story
The Garden of Eden story and the origins of the human condition
Immortality and the Garden of Eden Story
The Cain and Abel Story (page with summaries of essays):
Cain and Abel and the Agricultural Revolution
​Cain and Abel's offering to God and the importance of the firstborn
At the scene of the crime in the Cain and Abel Story
Noah and the Flood (page with summaries of essays):
Noah and the flood - an epic poem of mythological proportions
​The Noah story and the names of God
The Tower of Babel (page with summary of essay):
Abraham's Mission (page with summary of essays):
The promises and covenant of YHWH to Abraham
Elohim's Covenant of Circumcision - fertility and eternity
Abraham's mission of bringing righteousness and justice to the world
The destruction of Sodom
Where was the biblical Sodom?
Isaac and Abraham, Ishmael and Hagar- a story yet incomplete
The Binding of Isaac - the non-event that changed the world
The burial of Sarah
Jacob and his Children (page with summary of essays):
Jacob and Esau and Jewish power
Jacobs's blessings and visions
Joseph — his dreams and interpretations
Moses and the Exodus (page with summary of essays):
God's speeches of redemption
The Egyptian Exodus and Canaanite conquest – facts or fiction?
With what script did God write the Ten Commandments?
Bilaam the magician
The Purim Story (page with summary of essay):
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